Orthodontists in Carrollton, Texas

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Orthodontists in Carrollton, Texas

Snugly located within the Denton, Dallas, and Collin counties of the state of Texas, the city of Carrollton continues to develop into a thriving community. Among its sea of faces and countless smiles, you might find many souls who suffer from the misfortune of having an unattractive smile.

True, everyone at some point in time feels unsatisfied with their appearance. Everything from our figure to our smile gets scrutinized. There aren’t many miracles in the aesthetic sciences of our times, but orthodontics could be considered exactly that. Never before has it been so easy to transform a broken smile into a miracle smile.

Even our children can benefit from orthodontics, as early treatment can prevent dental problems from getting worse in adulthood. Every Carrollton orthodontist can offer you the miraculous power of the dentistry that they practice, and in these modern times, they’re merely a click away.

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Services Offered by Carrollton orthodontists

Orthodontics is a specialist field in the practice of dentistry, specifically focused on diagnosing irregularities in teeth and jaw alignment. Orthodontists treat malpositioned teeth, or malocclusion, with a variety of methods, including the following.


Invisalign is a plastic alternative to the use of traditional braces and is considerably more attractive. Since it is a new development in the orthodontic field, not so many dentists offer it. It makes use of the same mechanism as regular braces: applying a perpetual, controlled force to rotate and realign the teeth.

Invisalign, however, attempts to eliminate the need to return to the orthodontist every four to ten weeks, as is customary with braces. As of yet, it is an unproven method, because its results and success have not been substantially recorded.


Braces are usually placed on the front or back of the teeth and are used to apply controlled and continuous force to realign teeth. It consists of using wires or bands to push or pull on the teeth and their roots.

This is a common procedure where adjusting the patient’s bone structure isn’t required. It is recommended that orthodontic procedures should be undergone before adulthood, as bone growth can complicate treatment after childhood.

Headgear and face masks

In more severe cases of overbite or underbite, which are conditions in which the upper and lower jaws do not fit or align together, an orthodontist might recommend the application of braces with additional aid from a headgear apparatus or face mask.

These additional methods are especially applied to patients suffering from malocclusion caused by bone deformities. The procedure is performed with optimal success on patients aged between eight and eighteen, as their bones are still growing and are soft and pliable.

Jaw surgery

In adult patients where overbite or underbite is diagnosed, or deformity in the jawbones is found to be the cause of malocclusion, jaw surgery is usually the preferred method of treatment. This involves the surgical breaking and regrowth of the jaw bone to realign the jaw.

The surgery is often followed by a mandatory treatment for occlusion, as the teeth might shift unpredictably. In the most severe cases of malocclusion, jaw surgery would also be recommended. The application of braces or other methods will only prove to be impractical.

Palatal expansion

Palatal expansion is done by two methods, known as rapid expansion and slow expansion, which may be applied according to the severity of the patient’s condition.

Palatal expansion is a surgery-free option to treat the misalignment of the jaws. It involves more or less the same principles of applying braces, but instead of realigning the teeth, it aims to broaden the palate.

This procedure often causes the front teeth to part as the palate is expanding, and it requires the application of braces for either prevention or correction while undergoing palatal expansion.


As part of your package, you will gain the continuous assistance of your orthodontist, who will help you with any necessary aftercare, as well as aid in the prevention of relapses of the treated condition. Sometimes patients are offered retainers to wear after treatment has been completed.

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